Sunday, February 7, 2016


Hey guys, i will love to share an inspirational post that was written by a friend of mine.
There is a feeling that comes when we receive help, a feel of frustration of not being able to do it
alone, fear of becoming a burden, anger at whoever we feel is to be blamed for putting us in the position of a beggar. If this feelings are not cut off they grow and turn what is a beautiful thing,into something of shame.
Receiving help is part of being loved not just by the person giving help but by God. For it is through man that God shows his love to us (let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your father in heaven matt 5:16). So instead of dwelling on how you are always the one receiving help, count your blessings for they are the number of people giving you help.
Sharon Orevba

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